Date Created: 2022-08-14 | Updated: 2023-12-24 | Hits: 30270

Applications for New Programmes' Intakes

All new enrollment details are published on INTAKES/New Enrollments page

  • Online Application Form
  • Enrollment Advertisement (Downloadable PDF)

It is recommend to read advertisements before applying.

Step 1 - Signup as a User

If you are registered user, please skip this step and login to your account using your UserID and Password.

  1. Press the SIGN UP Button on right side of the main menu.
  2. Fill-in the Sign Up form accurately and submit. You can find help on this form on Info For All Users/Signup as a User
  3. Verify information you entered and confirm.
  4. ExSys will give you a UserID. Please Print and file your UserID and Password or Password Recovery QR for future requirements.
  5. Log in to the ExSys using your UserID and Password.

Step 2 - Update Personal Details, Service Records and Qualifications

When you are logged in to the ExSys, system will show you your Profile Page.

  1. Update your Personal Details such as identification image, title, gender, personal details, etc..
  2. Update Occupation/Service Records. You are able to add multiple records to this section. Do not miss to mark your current full-time occupation.
  3. Update Qualifications. Qualifications are listed as three sub sections for SLQF, NVQF, and Other Qualifications. You are able to add multiple records to these sections. Do not miss to add qualifications requested on enrollment advertisement.

Please use Edit Button [✎] on the right of each service or qualification records to re-edit or upload certificate proof images.
You can remove/delete records using Delete Button [⌫].

Sign Up Now ≫

Step 3 - Apply for New Enrollments

Please complete your profile before submitting enrollment applications.

New enrollment applications are published on INTAKES/New Enrollments page

  1. Press the green button named My Application related to required programme.
  2. Check your information and Submit the application.
  3. Obtain Amount payable and Payment Reference number. (Better to print this information)
    Please note that this unique Payment Reference number is valid for this payment only.
  4. Do the payment with correct Payment Reference Number to People's Bank's Billing Account 066 or press Pay Now button for online Visa or Master Card payments.
    (CDM deposits, Online fund transfers, Swift transfers or any other banks/accounts not allowed)
  5. Visit My Application page, 5-10 minutes after the payment.
  6. People's Bank will automatically update your payment within 1 to 5 minutes.
  7. Else; You have to contact us on 0117601776/7 for Manual Payment Verification.(Optional)
  8. Take a print and keep your Application with the reference number.
  9. Take a copy and send your original application to given address if requested.
View New Enrollments ≫

Date Created: 2022-08-14 | Updated: 2023-12-24 | Hits: 30270

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